Our estimated delivery dates are based on several factors, including the destination address, the shipping options you've chosen, and how quickly we can assemble and prepare your items for shipment. You can calculate delivery estimates by taking the processing time for your order and adding the delivery time based on the shipping method you've chosen.
Free shipping on orders over USD$89. Both shipping costs and shipping method should be subject to what is stated on Payment Page, and this may vary for different delivery destinations
We processes orders between Monday and Friday. Orders will be processed within 5 business days of ordering and shipped the next day after the processing day. Please note that we don't ship on weekends.
Your local customs office may require additional documents and time to clear your package, which may delay the estimated delivery time.
Your order may be delivered to you by either the local post office or a local courier. Depending on your area, most orders will be delivered by your local post service, so the package will be received with your regular mail. If you are not home when the delivery is made, a notice card may be left by the postal service to advise on how and where your delivery can be collected.
There is different processing time for different item. You can check the processing time from product page. Once your order is placed, you can check order shipping info from the online order status page.
We are excited to offer international shipping for most destinations of the world. The super savings option will take 10 to 25 business days for every order.
Affected by the COVID epidemic, it may lead to extension of the delivery time. In some areas or countries with serious epidemic , the delivery time may be twice as much as the normal standard.
If you have any further questions, please contact our customer services: